Hibbert Lectures
The Hibbert Lectures have been promoted by the Trust for over 130 years. The first was given in 1878 by Max Muller.
Hibbert Lectures have been given by many distinguished people including Ernest Renan, Albert Schweitzer and Sir Rabindranath Tagore. In more recent times, speakers included Venerable Bede Griffith and Jonathon Porritt, and some of the lectures have been broadcast by the BBC.
There is a list of the Hibbert lecturers on Wikipedia.
You can download transcripts of some well known lectures, here.
Hibbert Lecture 2005
- Spirituality and Global Citizenship
- Karen Armstrong and Dr Khalid Hameed CBE
- Download transcript: Armstrong & Hameed (PDF, 176KB)
Hibbert Lecture 2003
- Religion without God: Methodological Agnosticism and the Future of Religious Studies
- Dr James L Cox (University of Edinburgh)
- Download transcript: Cox (PDF, 129KB)
Hibbert Lecture 1985
- The God of Freedom and the Freedom of God
- Dr David Jenkins, Bishop of Durham
- Download transcript: Jenkins (PDF, 1,1M)