Grants for research, education and events
The Hibbert Trust and Case Fund encourage leading edge, radical thinking to benefit progressive, liberal, free and enquiring religion that is appropriate to the needs of our times.
We award grants twice a year, in June and November.
Closing dates for applications are the 31st May and the 31st October respectively.
Applications will only be accepted if they contribute to the education, knowledge or understanding of Unitarianism or liberal religion.
Grant amounts
Our grants tend to range from £500 to £5,000, depending on the overall scale of the project. They are often utilised alongside grants from other awarding bodies.
Grants may be awarded towards the cost of:

This can include:
- postgraduate study in liberal religious ideas and practice
- Unitarian ministry student travel grants
- books for library use.

This can include:
- costs of research
- publications promoting liberal religious thinking and debate.

We may award grants towards the attendance of seminars, lectures, workshops or courses that encourage liberal religious thought and dialogue.

We consider grant applications for activities that promote liberal religious freedom and interfaith understanding. Previously, this has included fees for trainers and travel to liberal religious communities.

Academic Applications
As well as the ongoing, open, call for applications aligned with the Hibbert Trust objectives, the Academic Committee also have specific funding streams which are available and for which applications are particularly invited:
Please use the standard application form.